You CAN have the best of both worlds.

With your brilliant idea and our no-code product development expertise, building tech for early entrepreneurs is much more accessible. The financial and technical barriers that prevent you from starting up are a thing of the past.

Maximize Limited Resources

Work with what you have right now. Buy yourself time to raise money and delay the urgency to hire for technical talent.

Launch, Learn, Earn

Build, launch, and gain customer insights from a live product earlier in the startup process. Get to your customers and make sales sooner.

Get Accelerated

Improve chances of acceptance to accelerators, incubators, grant applications, and elevate your pitches with a live product.

👸 You too can manifest success! 👸

Here are what the women founders I've worked with through the Pop App Shop were able to achieve:

– and they did it all in just a few weeks with less than $10,000 to start, while working/studying full-time 😮

The first step to your tech entrepreneurial journey is right here! Book a call with Sisa to learn more about how to bring your big idea to reality!


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